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In Volume 8, we'll cut straight to the point and get you the information you need to know about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

Whitepaper Series: Demystifying Healthcare Reform Law for Employers—Volume 8

A closer look at the ACA’s upcoming Excise Tax provision.

In our ongoing Demystifying Healthcare Reform series, we'll cut straight to the point and get you the information you need to know about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Learn the key factors your business should consider to hit the ground running under the new law.

In Volume 8, we’ll take a look at the controversial Excise Tax, sometimes called the “Cadillac” plan tax, that will go into effect on January 1st, 2020.

It’s never too early to start planning to avoid compliance hazards. Discover:
  • The likelihood that your organization is affected
  • Dollar limits and exemptions
  • Penalty information and calculations
  • What may change between now and the rollout of the tax

Fill out the brief form to access these insights, and check out the rest of our ACA Resource Center for additional insights on the PPACA.