Going Back to Work - Helpful resources

Whitepapers, webcasts and blog posts to help you and your people come back strong.


Your Guide to Facilitating a Safe Return to Work

Your Guide to Facilitating a Safe Return to Work

More businesses are expecting a return to the worksite for employees. But even after this long-anticipated return, employers will need to navigate carefully to protect their people's safety and keep critical business operations running smoothly.

Business Continuity Reporting with UltiPro

Business Continuity Reporting with UltiPro®

Every industry around the world is being transformed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic—and HR is no exception. Discover how UltiPro’s reporting and business intelligence capabilities provide the insight needed to protect employees and maintain a strong workplace culture during a crisis.


Tips and Tricks for Virtual Calls

Tips and Tricks for Virtual Calls

Business didn't stop when COVID-19 locked us down—it had to adapt and reorient to a new status quo. For many companies and employees, this meant converting in-person activities to virtual ones and extending remote work policies.

How to work from home with kids during summer 2020

How to work from home with kids during summer 2020

Normally the summertime is filled with kids going to summer camp, swimming, and maybe even a family vacation. But now in the age of social distancing and COVID-19 cases in constant fluctuation, this summer is looking different. So, as a working parent, what are you to do?

The Way Forward: A Look at Post-Crisis Work Life

The Way Forward: A Look at Post-Crisis Work Life

COVID-19 tried to cancel work. Can HR bring it back? Thanks to COVID-19 we were thrust into a new era, whether we were ready or not. See what Laurie Ruettimann has to say about returning to work and what the future of work will look like.

Team Bonding from Afar

Team Bonding from Afar

With a remote workforce, it can be challenging to facilitate team bonding. When they’re telecommuting, however, you have to find other ways for them to connect. So, where do you start?

4 Things You Can't Ignore During the COVID-19 Crisis

4 Things You Can't Ignore During the COVID-19 Crisis

Despite the crisis that has many of us feeling frozen in place, 2020 marches on—and plenty of important events and dates are on the horizon. Safety, security, and well-being are all still rightfully at the top of our minds. But what might be getting lost in the shuffle?

Recruiting During Times of Uncertainty

Recruiting During Times of Uncertainty

Just a few months into 2020 and we're facing both a global recession and a "new normal"—both at home and in the workplace. So, as a recruiter what can you do to ensure success during a recession? Access your guide to learn.

Well-Being at Work

The Way to Well-Being at Work

The focus on wellness at work is increasing over the years. And for good reason too—employers are realizing that if you take care of your employees, they will take care of you.

Work Self vs. Home Self

Work Self vs. Home Self: Cultivating the Art of Work-Life Blending

Trying to balance every aspect of our lives—jobs, family, health and fitness, leisure, charitable activities, and more—can be a stressful effort, and the concept of work-life balance is wearing thin. Instead, work-life blend is becoming the new standard, putting less pressure on people to achieve a balance.

Blog Posts

Woman working on her laptop next to a coffee mug

The Future of Work After COVID

As the dust begins to settle and employers gain confidence in current routines, now is the time for business leaders to begin developing comprehensive people strategies that will work for the future of work after COVID.

Ready to bring employees back to the workplace?

Ready to Bring Employees Back to the Workplace? Here are 12 Things to Consider

As more states relax sheltering-in-place restrictions and permit organizations to reopen their doors to the public, HR departments will be busy coordinating those efforts. Prepare a return-to-work strategy with this 12-point checklist for HR.

Team or coworkers watching a laptop

How Managers Can Strengthen Team Connections During Times of Change

During times of change, managers have the ability to proactively strengthen trust and connection with their teams. Here are four tips to help you connect and engage with your people when stress and uncertainty are high.

A New Way of Working: The Lifework Journey

A New Way of Working: The Lifework Journey

In this extraordinary period of disruption and uncertainty leading to radical shifts in working models—and, in some cases, unemployment—managers and HR leaders need to take a moment to revisit traditional employee hire-to-retire lifecycle ideas to better understand their people, and focus on what is most important to them.