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Whitepaper Series: Demystifying Healthcare
Reform Law for Employers

Healthcare Reform is coming. Ultimate Software is here to help.

Skip the headaches of determining your upcoming health care responsibilities as an employer. Read the first volume of Ultimate Software’s Demystifying Healthcare Reform series. In our brand new, ongoing Demystifying Healthcare Reform series, we’ll cut straight to the point and get you the information you need to know about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Learn the key factors your business should consider to hit the ground running under the new law.

Volume 1 of this series looks at employer responsibilities for the “Pay or Play” provision, which went into effect on January 1st, 2015. This whitepaper will help your organization:
  • Find out if it qualifies as a large employer under the PPACA
  • Identify full-time employees that qualify for healthcare benefits
  • Determine health plan affordability

Fill out the brief form to access this exclusive look at these important changes for employers, and be sure to check out the rest of our ACA Resource Center for additional insights on the PPACA.