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Whitepaper Series: Demystifying Healthcare
Reform Law for Employers—Volume 4

Avoid costly fines on your employees' health insurance coverage.

In our ongoing Demystifying Healthcare Reform series, we'll cut straight to the point and get you the information you need to know about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Learn the key factors your business should consider to hit the ground running under the new law.

"Pay or Play" is here—now is the time to learn about the penalties that businesses can face if they fail to meet certain affordability and minimum care requirements, and how to take action to avoid them.

In volume 4, get the full picture on how the fine known as the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment affects different kinds of companies, how to calculate what it could cost yours, and what can be done to avoid it. Please fill out the brief form to the right to access this illuminating analysis.

Feel free to check out the rest of our HCR library for even more insights.