HomeResourcesWhitepapersSix Degrees of Unification in the Lifework Journey

Six Degrees of Unification

How to unify your people in each phase of the lifework journey.

Six Degrees of Unification

With the workforce shifting to a predominantly online presence, interactions went from face-to-face to screen-to-screen. And with technological snafus and constant pop-up messages in place of in-person conversations, it can be harder to determine if employees feel “stuck” or dissatisfied in their role. It’s important to set up a framework of conversations and engagement tactics for employees at each stage of the lifework journey. Our guide takes a look at the tools you can use to help further the conversation with employees at each stage of the lifework journey.

The stages of the lifework journey include:

  • At-Risk
  • Security
  • Growth
  • Self-Realization
  • Influence
  • Legacy

Access your guide to learn about each phase of the journey, how to connect with your no matter where they are, and tools you can use to maintain and even boost engagement.