
Ultimate Software Thought Leaders

Cecile, Alper-Leroux, VP HCM Innovation

Cecile is the Vice President of Human Capital Management (HCM) Innovation at Ultimate Software where she writes and speaks extensively on the changing worker and workforce.

LinkedIn: Cecile Alper-Leroux
Twitter: @CecileHCM

Dr. Jarik Conrad, Sr. Director HCM Innovation

Dr. Conrad is the Sr. Director of Human Capital Management (HCM) Innovation at Ultimate Software where he helps organizations stay abreast of the latest workforce trends and innovative approaches to people management.

LinkedIn: Dr. Jarik Conrad
Twitter: @DrJarikConrad


Christa Degnan Manning, Director HCM Innovation

Christa Manning is a research-driven thought-leader supporting organizations and helping individuals understand and use the latest technologies to enable workplace productivity and performance.

LinkedIn: Christa Degnan Manning
Twitter: @ChristaDegnan


HCM Hot Topics

  • 2020 Workforce Trends
    HR is poised to take on the lead role in preparing our organizations for the future of work. There are three pivotal forces that will transform HR's role in the near-term. We will need to focus on accessibility for all; balancing transparency & data privacy; and building an adaptive workforce.
  • It's the Workplace Culture: Why Wellness Programs Fail First
    Companies collectively invest more than $8 billion in wellness programs, however the ROI has been extremely disappointing, with little in the way of cost savings or overall improvement in employee health and wellbeing.
  • Gender Equality Initiatives Around The World
    Let's take a look at a few different approaches to fostering gender parity in different parts of the world.
  • Who Raised You? Toward a Multicultural AI
    Can we train a multicultural Artificial Intelligence, in the same way that we can raise a multicultural child?
  • Anxiety Over Ice Cream: Where Big Data and Small Data Meet
    Harnessing big data can be a good thing, but it must be used as just one input into understanding the workplace environment and what employees need to be successful, personally and professionally.

HR & Innovation - Thought Leadership Whitepapers

Reimagining HR for the Augmented Era - Human Capital Management whitepaper

Reimagining HR for the Augmented Era

The future of work will force changes on us all, whether we're ready or not. Will the Augmented Era push people over the edge-far beyond their emotional and stress capacity? Or will it enhance individual productivity and wellness, and make every individual as successful and as happy as the efficiencies it creates? Ultimately, it's up to HR to decide.

Augmented Listening - Talent Management whitepaper

Augmented Listening

Do you know how your employees really feel? With all the recent technological advancements, employee engagement levels remain stagnant. New Research on the value of AI in Voice of the Employee efforts shows how new technologies, like augmented listening, are being leveraged to discern emotions and themes from open-ended text—finally removing the barriers to truly actionable insights.

The Connected Workforce - Human Capital Management whitepaper

The Connected Workforce

Ultimate's Employee Continuum of Needs illustrates how we can operate effectively and successfully manage diverse teams' all stages of our people's lifework.

Gaps and Gains ni Gender Inequality - Human Capital Management whitepaper

Gains and Gaps in Gender Equality

Gender equality in the workplace is becoming a reality in some parts of the world, though many obstacles remain.

In the News

Cecile Alper-Leroux's Book

From Dissonance to Resonance

How do we create a future in which people's experience at work resonates deeply with the ideas, norms, and new technologies to the great benefit of organizations and people?

All book proceeds are donated to RiseUp Globally and the Urban Institute

From Dissonance to resonance

What's Coming Next?

Contact Us

If you want to reach out or have a question for Cecile, Jarik or Christa, feel free to send us an email!