HR Service Delivery:

Empowering Employees and Freeing HR Resources to Achieve Strategic Business Goals

What is HR Service Delivery - Ultimate Software and People Doc

On any given day, your HR department might receive hundreds of questions and information requests from employees—regarding everything from paychecks and tax filings to benefits coverage and life events. Even with the right company resources, it can still be challenging for HR to answer employee questions and deliver the correct information in a timely, efficient manner.

HR Service Delivery solutions make it easy for HR to help employees anytime, anywhere—from a simple question to a complex event. These solutions enable HR teams to automate almost any manual process, respond to employee requests, and actively manage related employee documents—all within a platform built to mitigate security risks and reduce compliance headaches.

Become an Active Participant

With HR Service Delivery solutions, employees become an active participant in the process, rather than just submitting a question and then hoping for an answer.

  • Employees can search a personalized knowledgebase for information on HR policies and processes—when theyfre ready to act, they can easily submit a request that gets routed to the appropriate person or team to manage it through the workflows
  • HR representatives can automate processes based on employee requests, so itfs easy for the right people to complete the tasks
  • Any documents generated as a result of the cases, automatically flow into an employee file, providing HR with an easy, centralized way to access documents and comply with local regulations

Improve the Overall Employee Experience

HR Service Delivery not only eases the strain on HR resources and teams by streamlining requests, but it also serves to improve the overall employee experience, through a convenient, user-friendly process thatfs beneficial to all people involved—from the employee searching for help, to the people manager approving a request, to the service center representative answering a complex employee question, to the HR leader looking for insights and analytics.

Discover how cloud-based HR Service Delivery from Ultimate Software can make a difference for your people and your business. Learn more by selecting one of the following: