
What is Big Data?

Big Data

If you’ve read, seen, or listened to the news, you’ve probably heard the term Big Data used in several (sometimes scary) contexts. But Big Data in HR is much more than a buzz word, and needn’t be feared. When embraced, it’s a powerful tool companies can leverage to gain greater insight into their organization, achieve a strategic advantage over their competition, and improve the performance of their employees and their business.

In its most common form, Big Data refers to the wealth of information amassed over time about a given data set. In HR, the data is usually composed of non-identifying people information that, if analyzed correctly, can yield myriad actionable results. The latter part—proper analysis—is imperative, with regard to using Big Data in HR. To truly benefit from all this accumulated data, organizations must know how to make sense of the valuable details to which they have access.

But Big Data is called so for good reason—manually mining such large quantities of complex information is a virtually impossible task. Thus, many organizations adopt comprehensive technology to assist in analyzing and acting upon their collected data. Ultimate Software’s UltiPro® HR, payroll, and talent management solution helps organizations across industries assess their people information and make strategic, data-driven decisions.

With UltiPro’s predictive and prescriptive analytics, leaders can better understand the state of their organization and people, and take proactive steps to develop and retain talent. These advanced, impactful analytics tools draw upon the volumes of data entered into and stored within UltiPro. Plus, because UltiPro is a single system of record and source of truth, HR leaders can rest assured the collected data remains accurate and up to date across the unified solution, allowing for timely and rich reporting.

Discover more about UltiPro’s capabilities for your organization by visiting our Solution Features page.

HR’s Secret Weapon: The Power of Big Data

See why more and more organizations are embracing Big Data for HR, and discover how you can harness this powerful resource for competitive gain.
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