What are Employee Surveys?

Employee surveys are questionnaires distributed by management to a workforce, usually in the form of multiple-choice questions with some space to elaborate. Survey answers are then analyzed to gauge individual employee attitude as well as overall workforce sentiment.

Modern employee surveys are so sophisticated they can predict when a star employee will quit before they have decided, allowing management to take actions to prevent these loses.

Employee surveys are the best way to measure employee’s feelings, engagement levels, and what drives them within your organization. Employee survey tools with natural language processing (NLP) can find common underlying themes and emotions across your workforce. The insights gained from these surveys can assist you in making decisions more strategic and well-received throughout your organization.

Why should you use employee surveys?

Employee surveys can help you track employee sentiment and engagement over time. Using both open-ended and closed questions you can get an accurate read on how your employees are feeling about their work, office space, and the leadership.

Surveys can either be anonymous or self-identified as well as broken down by department, job role, or even by geographic region to see how your employees throughout all locations and all levels feel about their workload and management.

Best-in-class solutions will utilize prescriptive analytics in harmony with your employee survey solution. You can track common sentiments felt throughout your workforce, as well as who is at risk of leaving, who your top performers are, and who has the potential to become a top performer.

When should you use employee surveys?

There are a lot of different times that you can choose to use employee surveys:

  • Once a year—to track employee sentiments year over year.
  • 30, 60, and 90 days into a person’s new hire process—to track the performance of the process and what can be improved.
  • After a new major policy change—to see how it is impacting your workforce and if the change is effective.

More Employee Survey Resources

Discover all the extra costs you could be unknowingly spending by not properly using employee surveys: The Hidden Costs of Employee Turnover: How to Stop the Bleeding

Product Tour
See how UltiPro® Perception, can help your organization effectively leverage employee surveys with our brief tour.