What is Employee Experience?

Employee experience are the moments throughout the day that impact an employee's physical and mental health. Think of the employee experience like this: do your employees constantly feel stifled at work? Are there continuous road blocks and red tape for every task no matter how small? Are your managers valued by their teams? Are they micromanaging every employee or failing to offer the freedom to make their own decisions and complete tasks efficiently?

We have entered the age of the employee experience.But what is it and why should you care? Employee experience seems to be the latest buzzword, but it's important for organizations to realize that it's not a passing fad.

All the tiny moments throughout an employee's day are what creates the employee experience. Think of it from a customer perspective. When you go to a five-star restaurant, you expect friendly wait-staff, an inviting atmosphere, and amazing food. Each part comes together to create an memorable dining experience you would recommend to your friends and family. These factors make it a place you look forward to going back to. The same goes for your employees. Your employees are your internal customers. To learn more about creating a positive employee experience from a customer perspective, check out this employee experience guide from Jason Lauritsen, author of Unlocking High Performance.


Why Employee Experience Matters

With unemployment at a record low, the candidates have all the power. Focusing on the employee experience and employee engagement will make your organization more attractive to prospective candidates. And employers who focus on employee experience see a boost in their current employees in productivity, retention, and morale.


SHRM 2019 Recap: Employee Experience Management

We were proud to showcase our new HR Service Delivery solutions to a packed room on Tuesday and our Co-CEO and CTO, Adam Rogers, led an engaging and informative #NextChat discussing the who, what, when, where, and how's of employee experience management with dozens of SHRM bloggers and industry experts.

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Employee Surveys and
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Go beyond traditional employee-survey tools and gain the insight needed to enhance the employee experience. With UltiPro Perception, you'll obtain a better understanding of what employees are saying, including how they truly feel about the workplace.

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